- ✓ Non Transferable product
- ✓ Access 24hrs /7 days a week, 365 days a year
- ✓ The most complete service for telehealth assistance in the market today
- ✓ Immediate attention
- ✓ No appointment required
- ✓ Unique with Service unlimited consultations
- ✓ Low monthly/annual cost
- ✓ Coverage on the primary level (General and Family Medicine / Pediatrics) and soon on the Secondary level (all specialties)
- ✓ Ability to prescribe online
- ✓ Ability to geo-tag (if subscriber agrees) to facilitate pick-up of prescriptions
- ✓ Allows connection by the user from any device: computer, mobile, tablet.
We are Your24/7Doc, a US-based telehealth company that uses various technologies to provide on-demand, low-cost, remote medical care via mobile devices, the internet, video and phone 24/7/365.
- Product: Individual
- Cost: $0.1 (U.S. dollar) p/m
- Payment Method: Paypal, Credit Card
- Valid Thru: A Year
Additional information
Coverage on the primary level | General and Family Medicine / Pediatrics |
Ability to geo-tag | If subscriber agrees, to facilitate pick-up of prescriptions |
Allows connection by the user from any device | Computer, mobile, tablet |
María Silvia Cemborain –
Excelente producto. Atención 24 horas, inmediata y precisa.
María Silvia Cemborain –
Me gustó la forma como me atendieron. 100% confiables